On November 17th, Yuri hosted “Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio” radio show as a special DJ. The show is normally hosted by Super Junior’s Ryeowook, who was on vacation. During the two hour show, Yuri read played several songs, read messages from listeners, and talked with guests Hong Jinho, Eric Nam, and Moon, a member from Royal Pirates, a rock band. This special “Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio” was a viewable radio session, and video of Yuri hosting the show can be seen below or downloaded from Soshified’s Video Downloads Section. Fantaken photos of Yuri are also found in the forum.
Sources: KBS, jk kim@YouTube.com Written by: bhost909@soshified Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at tip@soshified.com. Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/soshified – for the latest on Girls’ Generation.
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